IVISYS proudly introduce Peter Junker, Manager Global Customer Service & Support

IVISYS support team – your hack to success

What do you like most about your job?
IVISYS really puts the customer first in all we do and that obviously reflects well in what I do in my role. Growing a team that constantly improves in how we provide help to our customers is an exciting task that challenges us every day!

What is the most challenging when working with support?
Communication! It is always a challenge to provide timely communication, with the just right amount of information describing complex technical issues in a simple and effective way.

What is the most joyful working with support?
Making a customer happy – it is as easy as that. Helping someone is very rewarding at many levels.

What are the key ingrediencies for leading a successful Support Team?
I think is important to empower and equip team members with knowledge, tools, skills, and mandate to solve issues and make customers happy.

Are there any support concepts that you get inspired of?
There are just so many companies out there that inspires me! Both in terms of organizational focus, culture, tools, and approach

What are the key ingrediencies for a successful Support Concept?
Creating a team that constantly find ways to proactively prevents customer issues.

How do IVISYS work with preventive maintenance?
An important part of keeping a high precision and productivity is when we perform the maintenance program that is purchased with the PalletAI®. With this program the machine is checked and fine-tuned to ensure that the laser and camera precision is at its peak despite the often rough environmental conditions of pallet inspection.


Peter Junker

Manager Global Customer Service & Support

"IVISYS really puts the customer first in all we do and that obviously reflects well in what I do in my role."